Longfield Hall

Pilates Morning Flow



Sold Out

Waiting List Only

Longfield Hall
50 Knatchbull Road
London SE5 9QY

For Information and cost : clarecary@gmail.com


This is a gentle morning course for anyone and everybody who enjoy moving with flow,

exploring breathing and movement paths.It aims to restore the body’s natural strength,

undo bad posture, encourage dynamic alignment and increase flexibility and strength.

Pilates Flow allows the mind to relax, body to unwind,

and to find a deeper connection between physical and emotional being through the use of breath.

This is a recipe to start the week flying high.

An Open Level class (open to all, beginners and advanced practitioners alike)

Silver Yoga

Funded by friends of the elderly funds

Funded by friends of the elderly funds



FREE for over 66

Course ticket:£30

Drop in:£7

8 week course

04 June -23- July 2024

Course ticket: £40

Drop in: £7

Silver and community Yoga are wonderful and gentle classes for over 50

bringing together the benefit of Yoga and Pranayama with a great element of community.

Yoga holds a key to aging well — benefits that include reducing heart rate and blood pressure, relieving anxiety and depression, improving circulation, easing back pain, and building strength and balance. 

 Yoga principles help creating a strong link between the mind and body,” Mindfulness” which is essential when maintaining a healthy lifestyle and independent daily routine.

From stretching & strengthening key muscle groups to ensuring balance while standing, walking, sitting, or rising; to mindful breathing aiding in mental and physical relief from stress that can build up in the body, inhibiting movement, breathing, and cognition. 

Yoga classes help the over 50s by providing elasticity to the spine, firming up the skin, removing tension from the body, strengthening their core and improve the quality of muscle tone and encourage dynamic alignment .

Everyone over the age of 50 is welcome !

No previous experience is required,

Just an open mind and a open heart .