Inspiral Yoga-Pilates classes
From wherever you are
Inspiral lunch pilates flow
Starting on the 11th of February 2025
This is a gentle morning class for anyone and everybody who enjoy moving with flow, exploring breathing and movement paths.It aims to restore the body’s natural strength, undo bad posture, encourage dynamic alignment and increase flexibility and strength. Pilates Flow allows the mind to relax, body to unwind, and to find a deeper connection between physical and emotional being through the use of breath.
This is a recipe to start the week flying high.
An Open Level class (open to all, beginners and advanced practitioners alike)
My InSpiral Flow classes are for everyone who would like to find more strength, confidence, fluidity and flow in the body and mind.
Emphasising flow, breath, spirals, folding and unfolding, unraveling and attainment to surroundings, these live online classes are an occasion to enjoy moving in your own space, with your own freedom, in the company of others.
I like to surf in between styles and I take my inspiration from my various movement backgrounds.
I guess I can say that my classes are infused with love, poetry & visual stimulus.
Smiling during practice is always highly encouraged. I love being playful with my students and to share my vibes with them across the GLOBE.
With the Online Live classes we have discovered a way to stay connected with the spiral flow of energy!
1:1 yoga-pilates-garuda
Enjoy a 1:1 class from the comfort of your home, garden or wherever you are.
Whether you're looking to learn the basics to give you confidence to join a class or to develop strength and ease in more challenging positions. By improving breath, core control, strength, mobility and coordination, faulty patterns shift towards efficient integrated movement and significantly reduce the risk of future injury.
I see the body as a beautiful book, and when I study your body, I can begin to read your Life, recognising muscle memory, I can help you find the connection between your body that has been, perhaps lost through years of bad habits.
• Private lesson via Zoom, in the comfort of your own home and at a time that works best for you.
Download and sign up for ZOOM, it’s free, quick and easy to do, DOWNLOAD:
Register for any of the classes below that you’d like to attend by clicking on the ‘register in advance” button, a link and password to a zoom class will be issued to join the class
Clear a small space for your yoga mat in your home or even better garden and have any home props you like to use at hand
(cushion,pilates ball, belt,therabandas, foam roller, blanket etc).
You can also do the practice without any of these
I hope that wherever you are and under whatever circumstances that you are safe and well and that all of your loved ones are too.
No need to worry about playlist, I will be streaming music so we all are on the same vibe! If you have pair of bluetooth headphones, or a speaker then make the most of your class and turn them on.
You can participate from your own home, no commute time, wherever you are anywhere in the world.
You can feed off of the energy of your classmates.
Get live guidance, live teachings, live feedback, live inspiration.
Online Classes Testimonial
Dear Laura, despite this unrealistic situation, I would like to say that what you’ve achieved from the « guarnera house « , this international cohesion, your strong and beautiful energy , is amazing, really, and surely helping people to go through this shit a lot easier, and smoother... a massive thanks and Bravo from my heart ♥️💜♥️♥️💜
Restarting Laura's online classes after the initial break of the lockdown was like starting to breathe again. After the darkness of the first couple of weeks, having Laura's classes back was like a part of normality had come back into my days. The classes gave me not only the benefit I have always had in Laura's precise and balanced exercises, but in this occasion something more, a sense of equilibrium, a sense that the body was not constrained by the limits of the situation we were living, both physical and emotional, but even in the small space of a room, it started to give me my air again, my inner space, my freedom, my clarity of mind. A sense of expansion started to pervade my body again, a re-appropriation of space and parts of me that had been suspended and inhibited by the lockdown. The online classes are something I have now treasured for almost 4 months, and that I hope will continue, even when I am travelling, when I am away on holiday, when I am visiting friends and I am not in London. We have discovered a way to be connected with the spiral flow of energy that Laura can give us from wherever we are, and it's something to be treasured.
Professor Paola Dazzan
President of the Schizophrenia International Research society.Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist | Clinical Senior Lecturer
When we do the class together there's a wonderful feeling of connection with everyone, even though we are apart from each other. So nice that we will go to Sicily with you - looking forward. A class by some water would be wonderful if you could arrange that ;)
Katherine Robinson
Tutor at Goldsmith University
I would say I have really enjoyed lockdown classes because I have been able to participate in them more regularly; they helped give me a structure to my time and week which was important especially early on when we didn’t really know what was going to happen; I can see you better and am more confident because I on my own and have things to grab onto if I lose my balance; I am not so embarrassed being still very much a beginner, but also, even with plates in my left arm and leg, I can go at my own pace and if I can’t do a move (weak wrists despite no plates!) I can do a semblance of it; I feel much better in myself, my shoulders are much less frozen into a hunched position and finally my posture has improved!(too bad my parents are not around to see it). I also find it really good for my mental health as someone who has had 4 major episodes of depression in their life, it has reduced my anxiety levels and made me a much calmer and more relaxed person who was able to ‘enjoy’ the lockdown and feel much more in touch with nature, exploring local parks and listening to birdsong in my own garden!
Marjorie Thompson
Politician & Activist