Autumn Package

Inspiral Flow Pilates at Siobhan Davies

Dates : Monday 28th September-14th December 2020


Location: SIOBHAN DAVIES Dance Studios, 85 St George’s Rd ,SE1 6ER


12 online Live Inspiral Flow classes to be used by 21st December 2020

Cost: £288 conc. £240 ,

*CONCESSIONS: full-time students & unwaged only – pls send copy/bring doc proof to 1st class.

PAYMENT: paid via internet banking __ or Paypal __ on ____/___/____Please specify payment method

Signed ______________________________________________ Date ____________

Payments method: Paypal Francesca Laura Guarnera

(Sending money to friends and family- option)

Santander Account name: F. L. Guarnera

Account number:37030745 Sort code;09-01-26 Monzo Bank Account Name:Francesca Laura Guarnera

Account number: 90197478 Sort code: 04-00-04


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